The exhibition opened once again!

The exhibition opened once again!

We are pleased to announce that from Friday, May 22, the Gdynia Aquarium can be visited again by external guests.

At May 22, we are coming back to present the beauty of the underwater world. At the same time, we want to ensure the safety of all guests, employees of companies we work with, as well as our team. Therefore, we had to modify the rules of visiting and buying tickets.

Due to the epidemic situation, admission to the exhibition takes place at designated hours: 9:00 am; 9:45; 10:30; 11:15; 24:00; 12:45; 13:30; 14:15; 15:00; 15:45; 16:30; 17:15; 18:00; 18:45. A ticket purchased for one of the above dates authorizes access to the facility within 30 minutes of the selected admission time. Due to the above restrictions, in the event of greater interest in visiting the Gdynia Aquarium, the waiting time for entering the facility may be extended.

The rules for visiting and selling tickets change from July 1.The limit of people staying at the same time is increased to 350, while the limited sale of tickets for specific hours is lifted.

  • We recommend buying tickets online. Tickets can be purchased at 30 days in advance, choosing a specific time to enter the exhibition. Internet tickets are available no later than the day before the scheduled visit. This means that if you would like to visit the aquarium on the day you decide to do so, you will be able to buy tickets only at the ticket office of the Aquarium. In this case, one should be aware of the fact that they may simply be missing.
  • If you buy tickets at the Aquarium ticket office, we recommend card payment. Please do not exceed the designated lines when making the purchase.
  • A maximum of 200 people can be at the exhibits at one time. Some rooms, elevators and toilets are subject to specific limits that must also be followed.
  • For the duration of restrictions related to the threat of coronavirus infection, we suspend the possibility of visiting the Gdynia Aquarium by organized groups. By organized group, we mean persons who jointly participate in an organized trip, e.g. by educational and care facilities, school and care facilities, travel agencies, workplaces, organizations, etc., constituting one entity for the service provider. 
  • In the entire building of the Gdynia Aquarium, it is mandatory to cover the nose and mouth.It does not apply only to children under 4 years of age. Persons who will not comply with this provision will not be able to enter the AG. By covering your mouth and nose, we protect others. Please show care for your fellow visitors. Exposing the mouth and nose during the tour will result in asking to leave the Aquarium building (not applicable to the food court on the Aquarium terrace).
  • After entering the Gdynia Aquarium, you should disinfect your hands with fluid that is available at the entrance gates.
  • Please do not touch the display elements, including the tank windows, and refrain from placing your hands in open display tanks
    For the sake of others and ourselves, let’s keep at least a 2-meter social distance.

We encourage you to read the full tour regulations, which are available here (updated on June 04,2020).


Thank you for your understanding and see you at the Gdynia Aquarium!




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