Baltic Scientist

Baltic Scientist

The Ministry of Education and Science, as part of the “Social Responsibility of Science” program, granted the Sea Fisheries Institute – National Research Institute a grant for the implementation of the project entitled “Baltic Scientist – series of films popularizing science about the Baltic Sea for school children”. The task is coordinated by the NMFRI Gdynia Aquarium.

Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki


What will be created as part of the project?

The project will include the production of a series of 12 films, i.e. popular science video reportages for school children. The films will take the form of “meetings with scientists”. The next episodes of the Baltic Scientist will be a modern way for oceanographers to reach young recipients with knowledge in the field of “science“.

Who will appear in the movies and what will it be about?

Scientists and people related to oceanography will talk about the issues related to the Baltic Sea, their work, research and the devices to carry it out. The camera will also visit a research vessel sailing on the waters of the Baltic Sea.

Who will the films for?

The films will be recorded for children aged 8-12. Each film will last 3-5 minutes, which gives a total of nearly 60 minutes of film material! Each of the films will be enriched with subtitles in Polish and a Polish sign language interpreter PJM. There will also be versions with subtitles in English.

From when will you be able to watch movies?

The films will air with a frequency of 1 episode every month, starting in April 2022 and ending in March 2023.

Where will the films be seen?

The films will be published in free online access on YouTube and Facebook channels, as well as on the Gdynia Aquarium website. Follow our social media !!

What are the titles of the individual films?

“Fish of the Baltic Sea”, “Sustainable fisheries”, “Baltic seaweed”, “Baltic coast and climate change”, “Microplastic”, “Plankton – drugs from the blue pharmacy”, “Sea in Polish culture – a walk in search of the sea on land “,” The role of Baltic invertebrates “,” Research vessels-floating laboratories “,” Biofuels “,” Chemical weapons in the Baltic Sea “,” Sea-based food safety “.

Project partners:

Instytut Oceanologii PAN

Uniwersytet Gdański, Wydział Oceanografii i Geografii

Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej, Oddział Morski w Gdyni

Instytut Kultury Miejskiej



Project patrons:

European Marine Science Educators Association EMSEA

Fundacji Rozwoju Akwarium Gdyńskiego FRAG

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