Biodiversity Holidays in the Gdynia Aquarium | 11-26.01

Biodiversity Holidays in the Gdynia Aquarium | 11-26.01

Water is our most valuable natural treasure. Its entire life depends on its resources. On January 11-26 we will sail with the current of rivers, to the seas and oceans, which attract with silence and phenomenal beauty. Winter holidays in the Gdynia Aquarium were organized into a program from Monday to Friday, and special events taking place on Saturdays and Sundays. On the weekdays there will be a permanent exhibition with guides, a research laboratory created for the Atlantic sea creatures, fauna in a truly artistic edition, a combination of the magic of the great blue with the magic of the silver screen, and science and fun bringing knowledge of nature. One of our priorities are educational activities, which is why on weekends we have prepared a special map of visiting the exhibition and a documentary film for the conscious viewer. The map is on the one hand a diary of travels around the world, and on the other meditation on our planet. There are many reasons for us to meet at the Gdynia Aquarium this summer.

Monday – Friday

10:15-11:00 | Gallery, seat limit: 30

Raiders of the Lost Ark – a zoo-puzzle game for entire families. The action of our game is set in the exhibition and begins in Peru. Like the archaeologist known as Indiana Jones, our explorers will set out with two guides, wandering from the Amazon jungle in search… In this game we focused on fantastic narrative, heroes from underwater lands and the skills of players who want to enter a different world.

11:00-12:00 | Multimedia Room of the Marine Ecology, seat limit: 30

By the water – fun and learning to spend time responsibly on various waters. This is a lesson on how to safely and culturally relax on the beach, by the sea or lake by presenting good habits and appropriate behaviors. We invite all those who want to diversify their visit to the Gdynia Aquarium Education Center, and at the same time gain practical knowledge.

12:00-12:30 | Cinema Room, seat limit: 50

A film story about Antarctica – a unique documentary that combines passion for diving and professional photography.

11:30-14:00 | The World Ocean Workshop, seat limit: 30

Faunistic – art workshops on the discipline of zoology dealing with the description of fauna of specific areas. The studio’s scope of activities includes creating portraits of the most endangered animals and habitats.

20.01 a visit to the World Ocean Workshop will begin with a shadow theater with penguins in the lead role. The sea will speak, and when it casts its spell, it always keeps them in a network of miracles … From these magical moments a quiz for the Day of Penguins Knowledge was woven.

11:30-14:00 | The Preschoolers Room, seat limit: 30

Animals from our pack – zoogeographic zone of the toddler.

11:30-14:00 | The Biological Laboratory, seat limit: 30

Atlanticarium – an open research laboratory for children and adults, which contains a microscope collection of plants and animals from scientific travels in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

Saturday – Sunday

11:00-14:00 | The Zostera Marina Room

A new adventure – collect a map for self-use at the stand of the Education Center, which will guide you through the themed rooms of the exhibition in a simple and interesting way. The maps will be available in the room dedicated to the Puck Bay, which is distinguished by the largest biodiversity in the entire Polish coastal zone. In the Education Center, you will be able to see under the microscope organisms associated with the habitat of underwater seagrass meadows.

18-19.01 – The fund of the Gdynia Aquarium Development invites you to a meeting with Ewa Gajewska, the initiator and executor of the Save the Sea project, which will be an opportunity to see and buy ecological jewelry inspired by Gdynia. All income from the sale of the Save the Sea bracelet will be donated to the purchase of Seabin – a filter that will purify water in Marina Gdynia. The symbol of the whole project, as well as the hallmark of a unique community that wants to do something good for the Baltic Sea together, are two herrings, enclosed in the sign of infinity.

12:00-13:40 | The Cinema Room, seat limit: 50

A film journey around the world – the documentary shows the changeability and diversity of our planet and the relationships in which man remains interconnected with her.


During the holidays, i.e. 11-26.01, the Gdynia Aquarium exhibition will be available to visitors daily from 10: 00-17: 00 (also on Mondays: 13.01 and 20.01). Everyone who buys an admission ticket to the Gdynia Aquarium can take part in the winter break program.

Entrance free of charge

1/15/01 (third Wednesday of the month), free admission is granted to children from childcare centers, pensioners and pensioners (included in the regulations of the institution’s operation).

2 / In January 2020, the Young Discoverer’s Sea Club celebrates its 9th anniversary. On this occasion, we give you the opportunity to use the free admission once during the holidays, i.e. 11-26.01 children and max. their 2 guardians (based on the membership list).

3 / On 21-22.01 (Tuesday-Wednesday) we celebrate Grandmother and Grandfather’s Day. On this occasion, both grandparents and grandmothers will have free admission to the Gdynia Aquarium on both days. There is only one condition. Grandparents cannot come to us alone! Free admission is guaranteed by the presence of a granddaughter or granddaughter who is entitled to entry according to the price list.

Organized groups

Due to the limited number of places in educational rooms, tour leaders are asked to register in the winter break program by calling at +48 587 326 620.



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