We start our visit to the Gdynia Aquarium from a room called Zostera marina. Zostera marina is a latin name for seagrass – a plant characteristic of the Inner Puck Bay. The Bay is a reservoir with the largest biological diversity in the entire Polish coastal zone. That is why it has been protected under the Natura 2000 network.
The five reservoirs presented in the Zostera Room contain representatives of invertebrates and fish from the weevil, goblin, spiny and flatfish families. You will also find freshwater fish here, which due to the low salinity of the Gulf of Gdańsk, inhabit it in large numbers.
The Zostera Room is located at the first floor of the Gdynia Aquarium. It was realized thanks to the support of the Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej.